
An Office movie would just be an extended episode, and it creates all kinds of problems in terms of having a worthwhile, heartfelt ending for the series.

I also like EVL and Cookie Monster, but I don't really understand Nicole Krauss' appeal. Doesn't she just copy/paste the same ironic, verbose statements about whatever actor/film is being discussed? Maybe I just haven't been here long enough, but I'm legitimately curious as to why it's funny after the second or third


As a longtime fisherman, I have found that withered, STD-laden dicks are the ONLY bait that fish really enjoy.

I Want to Be Your Sister

You all are just jello of Cody's brilliant writing. Have you never seen her magnum opus Jennifer's Body? Seriously, all of you haters need to move on dot org.

What's with all the hate for this film? I've staked out a spot in front of my local theater for weeks now.

Sounds like this George Carlin guy has been reading my Elmer Fudd-Porky Pig slash fic.

Everybody knows that cats control the media.