
I saw this show a lot before I learned how to drive
This is the Trek permutation I'm the most familiar with because my dad watched it and I didn't have a way to leave the house until I got my driver's license. When Zack tweeted that the TNG bridge looked a lot like the interior of a Lenscrafters, I laughed because I

I had a Venture Bros. flashback too — which Winchester do you think died once by running with scissors? Which one jumped off a roof wearing a Batman costume?

Yeah, their theology is Preacher-esque for sure. I think wrapping things up by killing God would be a fitting end to this rollicking story about the aftermath of child abuse and neglect.

My husband wants to see this
So I'll be along for the ride. Literally, since we're going to a drive-in to see it. It looks loud and dumb, but my inner 8-year-old wants to see Pegasus, because the only thing better than a horse is a FLYING horse.

Ok. I haven't seen any promos either. This may be my big chance to explain to the boy what "Talk Soup" was.

Don't hold out on us!
Who's got cancer? I'm never going to see this, but my brother is Miley Cyrus' age and has a crush on her for some reason, so I want to be able to tease him about seeing this awful, awful movie.

Did the Hughes tribute really last 15 minutes? It was one of the few things I didn't fast-forward through, but I don't think it was more than maybe six or eight minutes.

I only would choose immortality if my husband could have it too, and only if we could stop aging right about now. We're in our early 30s, and we both have creaky joints already. Plus, I have MS. It's not bad right now, but that's not something you want to let progress forever. And how would we afford immortality? I

I thought Mattel did try to sue them, but it got thrown out because it was fair use or parody or some such thing.

"Hey Jealousy" was my senior class song for some reason, at a very conservative Baptist high school.

In the Bible, Judas Iscariot received 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus.

I write and edit copy for layout in newsletters and other printed or online materials all day, and I can confirm that you're only supposed to do one space now. If somebody turns something in for editing with two spaces between each sentence, I have to go remove one space from every such instance. Two spaces were

Erin Cummings
My husband went to high school in Hunstville, TX, with Erin Cummings, who plays Spartacus' wife. Back in high school, her name was Cookie Cummings. It's not every day one gets to see one's high school classmates naked on TV.

My husband made the same comment to me while we were watching. It's nice when settling still feels like hitting the jackpot.

Count me in as a clamorer for further coverage.

Oh my god, I LOVED "Dear Mr. Henshaw" when I was a kid. I had that book practically memorized. "Who would want to molest a butterfly?"

Yes. It's 100% suicidal ideation. Literally a "goodbye, cruel world," except it's Jesus pulling the trigger.

A lot of their children will grow up to be just like these people, but not all of them. Speaking as someone who was raised to believe we were living in the End Times, and that I would never survive to adulthood because I would be martyred by the antichrist (we also stored grain in our house for "the coming famine"

Yes, he's George Clooney's cousin. Ferrer played the lead in a movie called The Harvest, which was about a kidney-stealing ring (!), and Clooney had a very brief cameo as a singing transvestite in a bar.

That speech changed my entire life, no kidding. I was an angry young person with a propensity toward lashing out with violence, but I saw that show at just the right time, and suddenlyfigured out that violence was a choice, and I could choose not to be that way. My withering sarcasm also is rooted in my desire for