
Yeah, Jonathan is *everywhere*, but you barely notice on the first watch.

That's weird. I was reading some online stuff about Buffy as it was airing back then, and I just don't remember that. I guess I was reading different sites.


I listened to the audiobook for the first Dresden book just because Marsters was the narrator, and ended up being a huge fan of the series. I think JM has done five or six of the audiobooks for the series now, but I've only heard Storm Front. That's when I leanred that James Marsters doesn't know how to pronounce

The Wish is polarizing? I've never talked to anyone who didn't like it.

And I liked that ambiguity. This is why the show survives and thrives and finds new fans every day — there's so much to talk about, and so many ways to interpret things.

Cordelia was that person a lot of the time too.

Not from that speech, but: "Have you ever seen a chaod demon? They're all slime and antlers."

Marti Noxon was a decent writer, especially for the big emotional episodes, but she was a sucktastic showrunner who didn't seem to be able to distinguish her work from her therapy journal. It really showed once Whedon wasn't around to act as a filter for what did and didn't make it onscreen.

That's a SPOILER.

"I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." It is a good speech.

Yes! Thank you. Looks like I'm hitting the liquor superstore on the way home tonight!

Yes, exactly. Stupidity and self-confidence are a deadly combination. If anything, this show should have MORE fantastically stupid and inept criminals who are still doing things bad enough that Michael will involve himself.

I would like living there also, but I want to go work for their FBI. And shack up with Dale Cooper.

Belgian Beer, Brewed By Monks
I've had that stuff, which is knock-you-on-your-ass awesome, but I never can remember the name…probably because it knocks me on my ass. What the hell is it called? I have some upcoming Saturday nights that I don't have to have particularly clear memories of.

Santora's gullibility didn't really bother me. He was bright enough to have pulled off the operation so far, but he wasn't some criminal mastermind either. They're not going to have to go up against Lex Luthor every week.

That sounds right, although I don't remember specifically. There's so much crazy stuff that happens, like Sanderson's character forcing the father to dance like a minstrel and calling him Martin Luther Coon, and the kid getting his head bashed in with a rock, and the daughter getting raped (or nearly raped), then

Good article
I had no idea these groups were all from Philadelphia, or that they had any relation at all other than being '70s soul groups. I like a lot of the music mentioned, but never looked into it beyond, "Hey, thats nice." Yay, new information, broadened horizons!

I have always heard "wonky" used to mean something's not quite right. I realize the word sometimes is used like in "policy wonk," which is like a political rule-nitpicker, but I've been hearing and using wonky to mean things are kinda screwy.

I've seen Fight for Your Life too (at one of the QT fests Sanderson mentioned). It's about 90 minutes of I-can't-believe-what-I'm-seeing/hearing, but it really is an interesting example of what was going on in '70s exploitation — the extremes they wentto, and the things they could explore. And it's not like the