Winnebago Man

I'm with you Kikishua, as one who likes prog Genesis but prefers the pop-rock crossover group it became, (and prefers their prog Phil fronted over Gabriel,) ATTWT is possibly my favorite pre-Duke album. Objectively there are probably better albums, including of course Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, but I like my

Here we go. Ugh.

A 70's band I was recently hipped to that had that pop meets prog with melodic metal elements ( like Queen) is the INSANELY under celebrated group Crack the Sky. Jesus Christ you have to hear them. Their eponymous debut was Rolling Stones 1975 pick for album of the year, and it's stellar. Their two follow ups are

Genuinely awesome. All the herky jerky grooves and industrial arrangement effects are so engrossing, then BWAAA we're in four-on-the-floor, ever-building pop chorus loaded with melancholy and wonder. The outro with it's receding waves of bubbly key sounds and guitar washes is just beautiful. An epic piece of pop,

Absolutely, it's Paul MaCartney meets prog, in a very good way, and with a beautiful little keys solo (especially when it splits off into harmonizing lines.). Every time I hear it, I'm back at the Central Park Planetarium, drunk off my ass watching Laser Genesis and life isn't so bad at all.

I guess I'll be the one to defend illegal alien. It's a lark, but an incredibly catchy one that is freaking jam packed with arrangement hooks (especially Rutherford's inventively kooky guitar lines,) a cool Beatlesque sound collage section with textures galore, and some dark lyrics that undercut the goofiness;

Walts pride is his tragic flaw, in the deepest Greek theatrical sense. He is now out to repair that pride, and I don't see how killing Elliott and Gretchen is any more than empty revenge which does nothing to restore Walts identity as an "empire" builder, a kingpin. Unlike Hitler's boys, and Lydia (if he finds out

I just want to thank Donna Bowman for the great review, which I believe was turned around super fast, sans screener? Especially the observation that Walt was playing a role in the phone call. I was so lost in the intense nastiness I didn't catch that the first time, and it rang a bit false. Second viewing

Apple TV, bitch! Uncensored.

The worst continuity for Jesse is his appearance in the flashback. Dude has aged like a president since season one. At least Sklyer's face work wasn't TOO obvious.

Oh yeah. He probably sought to avoid Jesse's fate. Let them take me out now instead of torture me for information. That's how I'd prefer it. Suicide by scumbag.

I honestly felt the human part of Walt wanted to make that offer if only so Hank would not go out thinking Walt was a complete sociopath who didn't give a shit about him or his family. It was the only effective apology he could make at the final moment, and it did have an effect. Hank died with slightly less

Frank's citing Todd's respect for Walt as a reason to let him go suggests there is a genuine soft spot there. No doubt because Walt trained him without criticism or complaint. Ironically, he got m uh better from Walt than Jesse, who is smarter and more compassionate, but only because Walt was tired of fighting, and

Odduck, what a bizarrely misplaced compassion you have with this point. Considering the shocking revelations Jr. Has just endured, with the reasonable suspicion Walt has killed Hank, WJ's only reasonable conclusion at the moment is that his father is criminally insane (he is) and capable of absolutely anything. True

Agreed. Just beautifully played by all. Fynn for the win. (Obviously he'll never go by Walt again.)

Not to mention the framing of Sklyer in the opening flashback, with the knives right there by the phone. The butcher has had Walts name on it since that moment.

I thought the same thing, and i would have assume this to be so because Luc Besson (usually directing moronic adolescent shit) + Robert Deniro (usually starring in adolescent moronic shit) sounds like a recipe for a four letter word starting with S and ending with T which I can't quite recall.  Oh yeah, I just

(pointedly does not raise hand)

Let's be  honest, after being told it is fake by the actual fakers who prove the fakery with the full fake clip, it's pretty easy to see that this fake clip is, indeed, fake.

I've also always felt that Walt remaining silent on the situation seemed out of character in a way that suggests this is a pivotal moment for him.  And the subject matter is thematically trelated to story, perhaps even in a depeer way than the class lessons; The one flashback with Gretchen, a standalone which I