Winnebago Man

Jazz Singer is definitely the cut-off point, to me it's somewhat likeable in a very mediocre sort of way (Love on the Rocks is the only standout track,) then pretty much everything after that is a wash.  Bad ideas, bad production & mixing, and diminishing vocal quality over time.   The exceptions to this are his

Heres' a track list of the Double Gold 2 LP, made by someone on Amazon far more obsessive about early Diamond than me.  Apparently there was more hit material included than I thought, especially if you count B-sides.  You'd be fair not to, but they are great.  (The tracks missing from the "Complete" CD are the final

Like for instance that nearly Diamond's entire output while at Bang Records (where Van Morrison recorded Brown Eyed Girl with Them!) is similarly stellar, with extremely tight, no-nonsense Brill Building pop craft, including classics like Red Red Wine, Cherry Cherry, Thank the Lord for the Night Time, Kentucky Woman

Ellie, I don't meant to imply that multiple partners must innately involve jealousy, otherwise it is being repressed.   Your personally example seems very relatable (except for the fact that I've had precious little functional casual sex, possibly something easier for women to find than men (especially socially

ezekiel 20 23, points taken, and I think I chose my words carelessly there.  Angular was an especially bad choice on my part, indeed the design is very curvy, to the extreme that their features seem to droop off their faces and torsos, that plus the chinless-ness (imo another failed nod to Simpson's upper lips like

Oh yeah, on the kid friendly front, Spongebob, Phineas and Ferb, and if I'm watching with my nieces, Kim Possible.  Those all rock.

I completely agree that early Simpsons comparisons are total hype across the board: writing, design, performance, NOPE, not even close.  Better than McFarlane for sure, but that gap is canyon-wide.

PedanticEditorType and bcfred, I guess poly and swinging can both be slippery (sorry) terms, but it certainly seems to me the essence of swinging is casual sex.  While poly/RNM can involve casual sex, the main focus should be on emotional intimacy, this is the most meaningful distinction.  To the poly mind, casual sex

Another, and better, term for polyamory is Responsible Non-Manogamy.  This implies not just safe sex precautions (which presumably many swingers take) but beyond the physical, it deals with managing the emotional risks of sex in maintaining intimate relationships, ideally including complete communication and

I haven't seen Real Time in a while, but anytime I've seen an all-liberal panel, he apologizes profusely for not being able to get anyone that week.  Clearly a lot of conservatives are either intimidated to go into the lion's den, or think themselves above legitimizing it.

I think the thing here though is that all of these people would be fun to hang out with in the right circumstances.  Very people people are assholes to everyone they meet, and especially I think most smart celebs like these guys would be fun and funny.  Certainly there are lots of fun stories about Sinatra and Lennon

Resident Smartass, my point was one of making examples of *some* comparison, not wholesale equivalence.   But then I suspect you knew that.

I agree that Louie gets over-hyped.  He also hits some pretty repetitive story beats and "twist" endings.   When it's great, it's stunningly great.  But sometimes it's just good.

Another bit off the mark is the basket of Republican kittens.  Points for absurdity, but Maher has very aggressive conservatives on, and goes for the highest profile ones he can get; the problem is very few want to do his show because they generally know they'll look like the clueless assholes they are next to smart,

That's the second stupid link I've clicked, but at least this one had to do directly with Maher.

Religion may involve belief in a supernatural being, but it doesn't distinguish the religious from the non-religious.  Usually when people say they are "spiritual but not religious," it means they do have a belief in at least a higher power, often supernatural, but don't ascribe to any organizations dogma about it.

You guys have to stand in a long line around here to hate on Maher.

For Maher's sake I'm hoping that's before he switched from coke to weed before shows.  I'm not saying he's not a dick but drugs can bring out he worst in folks.

Interested in almost anything regarding the 70's/80's stand-up scene, and a fan of Maher's, I read it.   I thought it was somewhat engaging because of the subject matter, but did not find it very funny, and yes, that name gimmick remains as annoying on the last page as it was on the first.  You never get used to

No, it was apt because anyone really into Hawaii will tell you it has a very spiritual energy. There are lots of rehab and retreat services there.