Winnebago Man

Cue "Kashmire." One of my favorite subtle jokes from Fast Times.

Cue "Kashmire." One of my favorite subtle jokes from Fast Times.

Now *that* was as on-target publication satire.  "Brevity is…wit."   Makes this reference seem all the more like the clumsy misfire it is.

Now *that* was as on-target publication satire.  "Brevity is…wit."   Makes this reference seem all the more like the clumsy misfire it is.

I started losing the habit of reading the parent site when they started flooding it with the painfully obvious demographics bait of forced sports satire.  Made the other articles seem less funny.  Also they should never have broken up the set of 6 man/woman on the street opinion people with the same six photos every

I started losing the habit of reading the parent site when they started flooding it with the painfully obvious demographics bait of forced sports satire.  Made the other articles seem less funny.  Also they should never have broken up the set of 6 man/woman on the street opinion people with the same six photos every

I appreciate it on levels 1 through 12.  And by levels, I mean Seasons.

I appreciate it on levels 1 through 12.  And by levels, I mean Seasons.

Only if Micheal Showalter was doing a guest review in character as "The Baxter."

Only if Micheal Showalter was doing a guest review in character as "The Baxter."

They are tasty, but also nasty.  The yummiest paper product in the grocery store.  Eating any more than two handfuls makes me feel like I really should turn my life around.

They are tasty, but also nasty.  The yummiest paper product in the grocery store.  Eating any more than two handfuls makes me feel like I really should turn my life around.

As someone who hasn't watched The Simpsons for many years, this confirms I'm not missing anything.   I don't know if there is a way to spoof The Onion, but if there is, they didn't find it.  And implying that AVC doesn't love great and/or classic films is just plain stupid.

As someone who hasn't watched The Simpsons for many years, this confirms I'm not missing anything.   I don't know if there is a way to spoof The Onion, but if there is, they didn't find it.  And implying that AVC doesn't love great and/or classic films is just plain stupid.

Agreed, The Avengers is more like the kind of movie the Tim Burton Batman's were were *supposed* to be: fun superhero action with  with some dark edges and resonance.   (Whedon succeeds where Burton failed through coherent storytelling, among other things.)

Agreed, The Avengers is more like the kind of movie the Tim Burton Batman's were were *supposed* to be: fun superhero action with  with some dark edges and resonance.   (Whedon succeeds where Burton failed through coherent storytelling, among other things.)

I think Patrice had well above average talent but the praise lavished upon him as the great black hope, Pryor meets Rock meets Eddie, if not increasing his cockiness -because he was super cocksure from the start it seems- may have helped him justify a state of thought that while observant & clever, showed no sign of

I think Patrice had well above average talent but the praise lavished upon him as the great black hope, Pryor meets Rock meets Eddie, if not increasing his cockiness -because he was super cocksure from the start it seems- may have helped him justify a state of thought that while observant & clever, showed no sign of

The only way you missed anything is if you love every last album cut by Mellencamp.  If like me you see him as mostly a singles artist, you would likely find the music bland and forgettable.

The only way you missed anything is if you love every last album cut by Mellencamp.  If like me you see him as mostly a singles artist, you would likely find the music bland and forgettable.