Winnebago Man

But his lovable side makes him perfect for it, they can push his unlikability to extremes without the audience disengaging from the character completely.  He's unnerving even in an otherwise piece of hack fluff like The Hangover.

Those songs are fine, especially Gay Paris (paree). Mancini is Edwards' regular composer, penning the timeless classics Pink Panther Theme and Moon River for him.

Those songs are fine, especially Gay Paris (paree). Mancini is Edwards' regular composer, penning the timeless classics Pink Panther Theme and Moon River for him.

I'm Easy is okay as a dress-sandal wearing post hippie folk song, but it's certainly not country, and my principal beef with Nashville is that most of the stuff that is definitely supposed to be charting country music sounds nothing like commercial Nashville output from any era.  That Henry Gibson song must be jazz

I'm Easy is okay as a dress-sandal wearing post hippie folk song, but it's certainly not country, and my principal beef with Nashville is that most of the stuff that is definitely supposed to be charting country music sounds nothing like commercial Nashville output from any era.  That Henry Gibson song must be jazz

Yeah I mean c'mon, the MTV spoof was dead on.

Yeah I mean c'mon, the MTV spoof was dead on.

Reality Bites and the reaction to it is a good lesson in how if you stick your neck out the window of earnestness, many will be eager to chop your head off.  As a first film for a writer/director in his 20's, I think it was a decent effort.  Don't think I could watch it now, but I remember some good scenes, most of

Reality Bites and the reaction to it is a good lesson in how if you stick your neck out the window of earnestness, many will be eager to chop your head off.  As a first film for a writer/director in his 20's, I think it was a decent effort.  Don't think I could watch it now, but I remember some good scenes, most of

Stiller can be great in (Flirting With Disaster) or out of that role, but considering how many times he's done it, it's a minor miracle he has not played Woody Allen's alter ego yet.

Stiller can be great in (Flirting With Disaster) or out of that role, but considering how many times he's done it, it's a minor miracle he has not played Woody Allen's alter ego yet.

Marie Provost by Nick Lowe.  Aging actress commits suicide and is partially eaten by a "hungry little dachshund" by the time the cops bust into her tawdry apartment.   And of course it's catchy and upbeat as all fuck.

Marie Provost by Nick Lowe.  Aging actress commits suicide and is partially eaten by a "hungry little dachshund" by the time the cops bust into her tawdry apartment.   And of course it's catchy and upbeat as all fuck.

All that matters is the love.   I'm not sure there's a way to measure that yet, but if we all put our heads together surely we can come with something.

All that matters is the love.   I'm not sure there's a way to measure that yet, but if we all put our heads together surely we can come with something.

Remember the promo with the Monstervision Song?  I wrote/produced that.

Get soapy with grandpa!  (From Sean O'Neils Dallas ad item.)

If it does, Ted will have nothing to do with it, as he basically has nothing to do with Turner, this going back years when he was marginalized after the AOL buyout, and he just said fuck it.  He's just a namesake now.

You're thinking of CCCP1.

Caipirinha, despite your having one of those pesky user names I have to check 4 times to get spelled right, I like your post a lot, because I've stayed committed to liking this show for what it gets right despite what it gets so, so wrong, and you  hit a lot of good points to that end.