Winnebago Man

Naomi Watts was not a bad choice, but just about everyone else was. Jack Black, really?

When monkey die, everybody cry.

I was pretty fucking surprised to see Fight Club on a pay cable channel not long after, with the buildings collapsing at the finale.

Was that a coincidence or on purpose?  My coincidental encounter was that I had planned a 70's party which ended up being about 1 month after 9/11.  A friend had lent me a tall stack of 70's movie posters for decoration, and when I opened King Kong, thinking "oh this will be a fun one," I expelled an enormous gasp.

I'm not really buying that, partly for the fact that television exhibition schedules are dictated by commerce, not generally the creator's choice.  Sure, knowing the system they will structure things accordingly, but some shows have writing that is too dense for most people to follow very closely on weekly doses.  I

I did Lost Season 1 rapidly on DVD, and never felt like I was picking up on the continuities as well watching the rest on live TV.  I was always asking friends about the connections and looking up stuff online.  Little did I know the series would blow off half of its mysteries.  In hindsight I know I enjoyed the ride,

I'm actually trying to respond to Asuka, whose comment will appear under mine) but as if often the case I find I can only "Like" given comments (a function that seems useful only to YouTube self promoters and pretty pointless in this context,) but not respond to them.  Anyone else have this problem?  I assumed it

You're just saying that because one of his CD's has a song about you.

Those who can truly answer that question can be found at elvis-collectors.com, aka, For Elvis CD Collector's Only (the name of which paraphrase an early Elvis LP title.)  It is the interweb home base for Elvis obsessives.   I'm a card carrying Elvis nut (somewhere between fan and freak,) and go there to skim for

Said deleted scene and Travolta's answer set up Uma's statement which did make the final cut, as they are parking at Jack Rabbit Slim's, "An Elvis man should love it."  It's kind of cool that the line that stayed in had a somewhat vague though perfectly inferable meaning.  Vincent and Travolta are so clearly Elvis

Guralnick is great, but I think Dave Marsh's much leaner bio packs a more concentrated punch, and is the recommended primer IMO.

All the mentioned tunes are superb, and let's not forget his shockingly great Any Day Now, a definitive take on Bacharach/David, a shame he didn't record more of their work. 

I agree about Bamford, and if Natasha Legerro's CD is any indication, I would put her up there as well.

Nice list, but Amazing Spider-Man, really?  The whole premature reboot thing smacks of bad opportunistic judgment to me.  I like the casting of Garfield but everything else, including the Dark Knight wannabe trailer looks lame as heck.

I respectfully question if you are just pandering to A.B.S., A Always B Be S Snarking, Always Be Snarking, Always Be Snarking tone here on Newswire threads.  W.A. created a potent, unique and identifiable style, something few directors ever manage even if they try.  It's perfectly okay to be a fan without apologizing

Nat King Cole & Cheiftans as well

The incredible Guaraldi Charlie Brown album for me is second only to Elvis' Christmas Album, and possibly because I'm a card carrying Elvis nut. (Other Elvis nuts may know there are a few iterations of Elvis releases under that title, and that the best one is from his label RCA/Victor's Camden Records budget line,

Fuck this movie, no fucking way. Fool me once, shame on…you can't fool a person twice is the point.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but hustling sure has a derogatory ring. Why on earth would it be cool to share ideas and links, but not cool if it happens to be something you yourself produced. That's nonsense.

Not to mention that the Office specials payed off the documentary conventions of the first two series, showing that a documentary had in fact aired on the telly, as they would say. How great that David's shitty fame only feeds his narcissism and leads him into further folly (his single & video release,) culminating