Including the TV remake, this will make 3 bad filmed versions of Annie. The show, however, is wonderful.
Including the TV remake, this will make 3 bad filmed versions of Annie. The show, however, is wonderful.
(must spellcheck too)
Must Reem TV!
Wait, there's a rumor that Chris Rock is a movie actor?
Rush Lumbaugh says you skipped your medication to exaggerate the effects of your pop geekery. (reference too old?)
I met, got to hang out, and even play some music with Steve Drozd in 2010, he was super cool. Will have to check this disc & movie out.
Okay, now I hate myself.
First album was the First
or not
Eagles fan, are you joking, have you never seen the UK Office, or do you have a tin ear for comedy? Because one of those three must be true.
I think Ray Ray is a hilarious name.
I liked Cruel Intentions, but that was while Buffy was still on. The movies have been all downhill from there, IMO. The Grudge was a hit but I couldn't sit through it.
The Proposition with Ryan Reynolds was also a huge B.O. hit. And by that, I mean body odor.
It's easy to say someone could or couldn't be a movie star, but then as William Goldman said about the movie industry, no one really knows anything. I mean who could seriously have predicted Kristen Bell would have a series of flops by now, and Sandra Bullock would be the top female star with an Oscar to show for it?
Douglas: "How do you go to war with someone in your own family?"
Nice to see Sean didn't take any potshots at Gellar's acting ability, though I'm sure lots of posters will. I thought she was incredible on Buffy and have been waiting to see her in something good, hopefully this will be it.
UMD, I always saw some Campbell in Nicolas Brandon, good call. Maybe he should have been Xander's much older brother. It fits his character to be a late mistake.
Gymkata, let's not make it personal, okay?
Real Genius is as good as Revenge of the Nerds is bad. Awesome
Big Chill comparisons withstanding, what is wrong with showing touch football on the lawn?
Not to mention Campbell was playing Elvis in imaginary old age. A guy with this mug is going to play Elvis in his prime? I can't imagine what they're thinking on that one.