Lt. Obvious

It's hilarioush

Nice face… belongs in a twitpic.

I just liked your liking of Secret Of NIMH

If you count horse in with cavalier you've got a triple entendre there.

If you're a horse person it magnifies.

BTW In my work I've encountered at least two young men who attempted to end it all (after committing serious crimes) with a shotgun in the mouth.

Suicide = Permenent solution to a temporary problem

Barney Fife is an illusion?

What Lovecraft said!

It's not really a stupid world, but you do need to appreciate it while you're here.
We're all gonna be dead a real long time.

Is there more than one Archmage?

Zardoz=good fun

Beast Rabin = Genius

That should serve you well.

Know who else likes Bananas?

Maybe it was Gawd… Davey.

I think they over did the angels by one half angel.
Change the title to:
2 1/2 Charlie's Angels = mega-monster hit

ABC Exec: "What is this porn you speak of?"

Bet on that

Some Christians are just so inconsiderate!