The original Corman version of "Little Shop…" has a joke ending, but it's not a happy ending for the protagonist.
The original Corman version of "Little Shop…" has a joke ending, but it's not a happy ending for the protagonist.
Too many pronouns Paul.
Are you referring tio "Requiem or (more likely- I'm guessing) DitD?
Right like Wal-mart… when they're not scaring you.
I'm sorry you are incorrect
I'll believe that if you also like "peeps*".
No problem… like 10 cc's
Jim &Tammy Faye (may she RIP) the proto-reality TV show.
Vagina cred?
Most jobs are kind of degrading.
Someone is paging Rex Ryan
I'm sorry the correct answer was: Who are the "Stepford Wives"… Stepford Wives.
I instantly thought of re-makes:
Johnny Depp = Lidsville
Renee Zellweger = H.R. Puffenstuff (cause her eyes…)
It's OK.
She won't squinch you.
Come on!
Both of her facial expressions are great.
So you're saying watching the show gives them more acute insights into the zeitgeist?
Wow, an infant with a ex-wife…
A Charlseton chew is much Nastier than Big League Chew - even including the implications.
I'm going to pretend I'm a celebrity that needs assisting.