Minstrel Show?
Minstrel Show?
I agree that was good, but shouldn't it have been "Hi-jinx will ensue" instead of "devolve into shenanigans"?
I thought he made "Get F*cked Out of Your Crystal Skull" not-so-good Vodka.
Yeah right, how many times has that been proven?
To santos
Actually it's "Onions make me sleepy"
Just because it's where I make my daily bread, I'll do some splaining:
Jail = a sentence of one year or less
Prison = sentences longer than a year
Jail (generally) = misdemeanor
Prison = felony
cromulent, hmmm, no sir in all candor I do not know that word, and I've never been to Springfield (Seriously).
The "Continental Op" collection of short stories is great too.
This new film will work if they can just improve on the original's dialogue.
Sherlock Holmes was hacky from (Conan-Doyle) its inception.
"The Thin Man" was a work of art and the original film followed the novel slavishly.
Go get 'em Wo!
Sic 'em.
As you watch the franchise you begin to wonder if Hammett had any input as the series scrolled on.
I don't say that as criticism, I say it out of curiosity.
The repeated misidentification of the "Thin Man" in all the titles suggest not.
Except that this simply should not be made.
Name a Marx Bros. movie that wasn't padded with unrelated singing (um, besides "Duck Soup")?
No, the old way was much more clearly sequential.
Binky I have to admit, I was contemplating that question as well.
Some where up above someone posted a hyper link to David Cross' open letter to LTCG.