Lt. Obvious

As stated above his real crime isn't having a juvenile sense of humor, it's the fact that he's willing to spread racial hate for a buck.

again: cromulent ?


In fairness is he dumb as a post?
… or is he perhaps just cynical?

I'll be in line right behind you M'am.

I'm sure some hi-jinx will ensue.

Nicely done F&S

I think I've read everything including some of the stuff that was originally written for ESPN.
Even his weaker stuff is a breath of fresh air, especially during our overtly Nazi-ish Bush era.

"The Painted Bird' can be kind of grim too… you know, if the hollacost and rapes and stuff get you down.

Never had a hamburger there, but their black bean soup will give farts that are close to being physically tangible, kind like a vapor you can part with your hands,

Yup, because the book will be easy to improve on.
Bonus points for the Hemingway/Fitzgerald comment but I don't think HST ever tried to deny that he was aping them early on.

"Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail" is an excellent read, but it too contains " quasi-literary drug humor" in case that really bothers you.
But comparing HST to Cheech and Chong is like comparing Ripple to Mumm's Cordon Rouge.

I'm with you on the "Rum Diaries".

Isn't it esquimeaux?
Just trying to be PC and all.

That deserves at least a golf clap…
and don't say slutty like it's a bad thing.

Zen translates almost literally to "nothing".
According to my reading of it, zen is about accepting nothingness (as an almost permanent state, broken up for the living by a brief bout of consciousness before returning to nothingness).
Nihilism says nothing matters.
Hence nihilism is a culturally filtered form of zen

Thanks Miller.
I've studied B. Traven a bit and I don't think I've heard of this book (or else I forgot about it).
Either way thanks for that.

I read a book on this subject once, and I don't mean to imply that wikipedia would possibly mislead you but, I think Red Marut was an identity that B. Traven (for want of his real name) used as an alias as well.

Yeah I liked Guernica during the Spanish Civil war, but it's gotten all hacky since Picasso became such a thing.

I loves me some dancin' to an apocalyptic beat.