
neither tween nor soccer mom
Seems like such a lukewarm review for the B- rating…

I give Scott an A+…
…for use of the word "soupcon" in a review of a Saw movie. Way to class up the joint!

Well at least I'm not alone. I'm on my 2nd playthrough of Persona 4 right now, and I cringed a little at the "182 hours" when I saved the other night. But it's just too much fun exploring everything I missed the first time around.

Oh no, not another awesome SMT game!! Like I haven't lost enough of my life to Persona 3 and 4. If I didn't have to keep saving places like Tatsumi Port Island and Inaba from the apocalypse, I would probably be a much more productive human being.

Ranger Brad, I'm a scientist
So, stick with Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, then?