
Glass to glass! Glass to glass!

I hate all the, fuckin, meme this, meme that. Jesus, I just hate it. Meme meme meme. Depresses the shit out of me.

AlexK, if you're asking, then you know it was. So why ask? I'll pet your reading head for you: good boy, good boy.

This is close to the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read on the AV Club and The Onion, combined.

… by association. you know, Wings.

It'd be virtually impossible, not to mention a rare find … but I'd buy night-long beers for anyone who did Helen Wheels.

I also have a ranking. Fuck you guys you think I'm sharing it, though, it's MINE.

I find comments, as a format, worthless.

All those other students are phonies, I'm not.