
You know that KotCS was really just a commercial for his vodka, right?  Apparently, he has incriminating photos of his buddy Stevie in embarrassing situations.  He got them from George. ;)

S- Rama Lama Ding- what's so strange about Lama?

You know what the slime really was, right?  and using Liberty to bust open that shell?

Damn, I was hoping for Vanity Smurf down there. :(

I just want to see Danny give a long, quickly worded, monotone dialogue about the history of kickstarter.

"Oh Ray, you didn't?"

I know that feel, Pro. [fistbump]

and this was written after several days of insomnia kick and about one-two hours after 15mg of melatonin, in the hopes it would knock me out. yeah, NOT. I was still awake several hours later. This is also fairly coherent compared to pretty much anything else.

then there's Steve's cholo mustache.
then Ty had that balding afro some years back that some compared to that Looney Tunes orchestra director.

yep. some great covers, but I still don't "get" PA after all these years.

You do know he married one of them, right?

from what I heard, they left the car door open, so the police thought there was something fishy going on and went to the house to investigate.  Steve admitted he had some coke in his pocket when prompted, but any details beyond that are sealed, other than he said no one at the station recognized him until after it hit

wait, the BNL song or the band?

yeah, and so is PCP.
that's the stuff some fucktard slipped my niece and almost killed her after having his way last Xmas.

he lives there now.

Steve was still with them then, so they had more chemistry.
I still hear fans saying that they quartet doesn't have the same draw, now.

Fucking leave off.Only Steve did it, and only for a few months, going clean after his arrest.

Fucking leave off.
Only Steve did it, and only for a few months, going clean after his arrest.

I have to be in a certain mood to listen to $1M. otherwise, I just next on the ipod.
the only other stuff I skip are Kevin songs. something about his voice just irritates me. too whiny or something.