
No love for any of the Gleesons then?
Brendan was my first choice, but his sons Domhnall and Brian/Briain are decent actors, as well.
(altho, seriously, dude needs to pick a spelling. you ain't Qaddaffy.)

it's DOCTOR, not "Dr."!!!!11!!!!!

I want Brendan because
b- fiddler! last time a Doctor played an instrument, it was Pat back in the 60s! (ok, Sylv's spoons, but that was like TWICE!)
c- we need an older Doctor once again
e- he's one of the last people you'd expect
f- he does goofy as well as dead serious and psycho (I Went Down, In

Sir Stephen of Fry
or BRENDAN GLEESON.  we need a fiddler in the TARDIS!!!

so…same place as Tovey and Joseph, last time? yeah.

Dr. Howe knows!

that kind of scheduling opposition takes the cake!
and massive balls.

Colin's run was constantly troubled by then BBC head Michael Grade (who was married to Colin's ex-wife!), add to that, lackluster scripts and constantly slashed productions, and it kinda works itself out as to why he is last.

CUSHING was MY  First Doctor!


One of the Kardassians! like, the one from, like, Jersey Shore!

Third ep of third season is currently filming, and Moffat and Gatiss say it will be the last or their series.  After he's done pimping World's End and Hobbit, Martin is truly a FREE MAN!

30 Helens agree.

Yes, confirmed for simulcast to America (2e/1c), France and other parts of Europe.
Australia is a bit hazy on actual time, but they may have it live, as well? (wee hours of am??)

Clara had a plot? really? I thought she was just eye candy.
(sniff….I miss I-CANDY! BAWL!!!!!)

Quick! Hide Naoko!
I'll stash her at my place for now (and FOREVER! MUAHAHAHA!!!)
(sorry, did I just cackle out loud? nevermind. just hand her over and carry on.)

I'm still calling my new cuz Hieronymous Eustace!!!

I just posted my copy on The Pirate Bay! w00t!

Did you get that thing I sent ya?  Did ya?