
@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus now I want Morgan to pop in and simply say. "Titty sprinkles are cool. I love me some titty sprinkles.  MM-HMM!"

River claims she "regenerated into a toddler", so presuming that was the January 1970 regen we saw start, that's a good 20 years before she shows up as a child in Leadworth as Amy's BFF "Mels".  We haven't had any clue what she does in that period between other than travel from NYC to UK.

Martin doesn't have more Hobbit movies to FILM, but he does have to pimp them and World's End, soon.

Emma and Alex making out?

Lott Dodd?

Don't remind us!

the *D* in *D*octor is CAPITALIZED!!!!!

there is another name used in Marvel's US Doctor Who comics, which does contain Sigma, but the rest is some maths formula I can't copy/locate at moment.  it's out there, tho.

River Song uses the "Theta Sigma" in her graffiti, and has claimed knowledge of his name since her first/final appearance in the Library.



STIG is #12!!!!


Nana (and Q) got blown up in Torchwood's non-existent 4th season.

Nana Visitor and John de Lancie were in that Torchwood morass.

Thomas Magnum?

yeah, he shagged Billie on her Callgirl show, had a deleted flashback scene in 'In Bruges', then 'Christopher and his Kind' (with Tobey/Dream Lord) and the just wrapped creepo-clone movie, 'Womb'. not much of a CV at that point.

you misspelled Russell Tovey for the tart bitch spot.

and bookies had it narrowed down to Russell Tovey and Paterson Joseph when Matt was announced, so….yeah.

you do know that several Doctors have previously worn bow ties without coming off like a manic dweeb, right?