
Stephen Root's character was a gay accountant before he was turned.  Remember he was "swapping fluids" with LaLa when Jason and his psycho gf kidnapped him?  Then he haunted Jason for a bit after, since they bonded while captive.

Poor Terry.
[pours one out.]

No, no! Flawless was the Phil Hoffman/DeNiro drag movie!

@avclub-ee86f2eb94048ec21387d5b848337fa2:disqus check out the Busiek/Perez reboot of Avengers for drunk Carol.  possibly coincidentally, that arc starts after Morgaine Le Fey appearance, too.
(too bad it gets a little sidetracked with the Maximum ….Detention-? crossover.)

also, Liefeld hadn't yet descended into the caricatures he later became infamous for.

Hank & Don aren't interesting, but Hank & DAWN are.
(don't even get me started on Holly. ugh.)

Russ-El > JoRuss-El

Jeep Swenson was the lucky one.

you forgot Einstein!

maybe Anna's one of those women who get thinner after having babies? how long after did they start shooting, anyway?

you missed Sam's ass? and Ben's naked fight with Jason and Rutger?

Don't forget Jason and Stephen Root's vampire nookie!  Root even came again for Jason in a 2s dream sequence and two v/o's!

I had to LOL at LaLa realizing what Sam was about to do, and quickly turned Emma's head away before he dropped trou. (and did we see more than he intended?)

what was up with the funky hairdo's at the end? LOLwhut?

"Oh, we don't have names!"
"That's cool. Names are kind of a drag…blahblahblahblah…."


why is it the str8 guy is flaming, while the ginger gay is practically straight?

cows are horny.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus woof?