
Shutter Island - I figured the twist out halfway through.

you too, Kimmel!

Not-hispanic was a figment of Charlie Meadow's imagination, who was really a figment of Jack Kirby's dying fever dreams.

Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.

That was Wolverine! DUH!

This twist could only increase the hilarity of Hudson Hawk.

At least Phil keeps his pants on. Right, Harvey?


Hello, Brian.

When you say "cat"….

What Planet Are You From?

c'est la vie

alternate take: numerous people calling out "Morning, Simon!"


or the Hound

Murder, She Wrote?  Angie is a total serial killer framing random innocents then writing tell-alls of how she really did it!

I think Boomers are 1940s to JFK, Gen-X is post-JFK/Dallas to Reagan, then Gen-Y is Reagan to Y2K/9-11. Millennials are post-2000.

Ponies are under-aged horses!!!

wait, the final three issues never saw print, even in this collection? SUCKAGE!
(but typical of DC the last few years!)