I suggest you take his blood

I was imagining the consequences in the case that the robbery was successful. Imagine if she becomes a Badass Criminal. That wouldn't be intimidating at all :) Much less daunting than a track star and successful professional.

Supernova seemed to have a good beginning and middle and then degenerated into a WWF resolution. Seriously, I would watch any movie where a man and a woman go into a stasis chamber together and emerge with each other's eye-color on one eye.

I would do anything for love…

Since you know stuff: What's the thing that Meatloaf won't do for love? (I've looked it up five or six times and my head simply does not retain it.)

One gets the impression that if someone had showed her a Hindi movie at some point, with the requisite tree-chasing, this could have all been prevented.

That is some incredible show-whispering, @olivececile:disqus . It tracks. (Oops, mild pun.)

We're here to serve, Citizen!

Heh. That would represent me quite accurately. :)


Jelly Pudding Pops

The concept of the movie sounds like an invitation for navel-gazing.

The character of Alex went really quickly from Villain to "actually more sympathetic than the lead."

Is she really tall enough to warrant all the Lurch comments?

I could accept this take, but there's some connective tissue missing. She seems to go to the club *on purpose* for this kind of thing (whatever it is), meaning she is initiating the situations where she will be called on to be geisha-like/submissive against her own nature? It's fine that she wants something that is

Hey, points for "seppuku" rather than "harakiri" or its usual misspellings. If you need someone to be your second, I'm there, but let's wait till we're 90 or so.

And alternating between buttcheeks apparently does not work as a way of preventing scoliosis.

It doesn't make much sense when one stops to think about it.


I think Jules Verne wrote a sequel to Poe's novel.

I thought the show would allow us to mark the passage of time by the darkening/growing out of her roots (someone at some point mentioned she dyes her hair blonde) but I guess the flashbacks make that too difficult.