
Seriously people, ask me questions about furries. I need to put the information gained in my teenage years to some use.

I wouldn't mind her hitting me around the face and neck with an expensive purse but I don't want her DJ being anywhere near me while it was happening.

I had a friend who played Hamburger Lady for someone and they had a seizure
That's my Throbbing Gristle story.

lmbo ^^^^^^ shut up nerd

Infinite Jest

I'm writing some Wolf Haley/Earl Sweatshirt slash
Guess who gets it in the end

White People Derive Pleasure From Fictional Deaths of Other, Prettier, White People
Film at 11


The hairier, the better

I have what the kids call "mad love" for BtPNLSL and Limp Wrist but as a queerbo I can't get enough of anything even tangentially related to camp, which gay-related puns fall under.

Does this mean we could have like a queercore gateway sometime?
I'd love to have more bands to check out whose names all revolve around gay-related puns (i.e. Youth of Togay, Gayrilla Biscuits, there's gotta be some sort of Judge/Fudge one too).

lol ur a dick

Well let me tell you that Two Girls, One Cup is not nearly the masterpiece the internet says it is. Sure, the music is lovely and you get the sense that these two girls do care about each other but anything beyond that? Pssh, better off analyzing Oliver Twink.

I have that Outdoor Miner cover album. It was basically free and I got it because I recognized Lush and Flying Saucer Attack.

"but I'm not a child, so cred consciousness has no bearing on me."

I mean if you think about it hard enough it's just two sides of the same teenage coin.

Once my uncle found me listening to The Postal Service
He put on the headphones, grimaced a bit, and walked away.

Yeah man, three manchildren and a sullen guy with a crippling spinal column disorder

Speaking of Skrillex I was actually blown away by the fact that he was the same guy who left From First To Last in order to ape Animal Collective.