
Bill Simmons the writer is more often than not hilarious—his podcasts are rambling and a waste of time. I can understand why he does them: writing is a fuck of a lot harder than chatting with dudes. I wish he'd scale back on the podcast and channel that energy into more columns.

I gave up on TSOYA because I found Thorn grating and distracting. I stumbled upon JJGo a while ago and have come back to it because, oddly, the co-host makes the show. Jordan is funny and self-deprecating, and the guests are usually pretty good. Nothing against Thorn personally, but he just gets in the way for me.

One thing that stays consistent: Kanye still can't sing. He sounds even worse a cappella.

"You give us this…"

Wow, it's like the early aughts all over again, with the same strawmen-building (STEALING music! Artists are being fucked over! No one will CREATE anything anymore!). Just shows that this issue is as relevant as ever, with a lot at stake, and with plenty of folks who don't understand—or willfully distort—what's

Hippa to da hoppa and you just don't stoppa

Exactly. Time better spent watching Jersey Shore and posting AV Club comments, right? Rage, rage, against the dying of the— hey, look, Rabin just posted a new Louie write-up!

"retreat", Nathan?
So *that's* what your girlfriend called it. Huh.

It's odd I'm defending these guys, because I think all podcasters and entertainers are in love with their voices, etc., but I think you're wrong. Marc Maron never shuts the fuck up, though he's funny some of the time. In fact, he was on JJGo and was allowed to run free as interviewee.

You can hate, or you can actually listen to the show and make an informed assessment. I guarantee you will change your mind.

Cranston and Norris rule
I'm cool with this. Good things come to those who wait.

ZMF, I've always loved that scene. And I'll complement your Furio fury with some subtler, smoldering Furio menace:

Holy shit! I didn't know that was Jerry Horne. That information just made the start to my day a little better. And hungry for a brie and butter sandwich.