
Blaming the economy/unemployment on Obama is so shortsighted I have no appropriate response, other than to point you to world trends and point out no world leader, barring a dictator, has that sort of control on a country's finances. And if you point at Obama as a dictator, I have no response except laughter.
"If you

Blaming the economy/unemployment on Obama is so shortsighted I have no appropriate response, other than to point you to world trends and point out no world leader, barring a dictator, has that sort of control on a country's finances. And if you point at Obama as a dictator, I have no response except laughter.
"If you

Way to turn this into a straw man argument. So if I pick Obama, it's because of race.

Way to turn this into a straw man argument. So if I pick Obama, it's because of race.

I do wish you guys were covering this. I have gotten sort of addicted to it—well, addicted to the Tariq and King storyline, the rest I could take or leave.

I do wish you guys were covering this. I have gotten sort of addicted to it—well, addicted to the Tariq and King storyline, the rest I could take or leave.

I read it in a queer lit course as well, and the closest thing to happy in that course was…yeah, there was nothing close to happy. But it somehow manages to be devastating in a way none of the other books were.

Also potentially sobbing at the need to memorize how to spell Iqaluit for the geography test (note: I had to look it up just now). It was pure cruelty to add that to the already impossible Saskatchewan. And figuring out which province is a John and which a John's.

Giovanni's Room.

Oh god, I'm having flashbacks. I read it in the sixth grade, and unfortunately, I finished hidden in my textbook while my teacher was nattering on about geography.

…are Jewish people not considered white? Is this a thing now?