GG 206045 Allin

Why is Michael Sheen dressed like a cosplay Doctor Who-era Matt Smith? Lizzy Caplan looks NOTHING like Karen Gillan.

Charlie Sheen is Italian?

Charlie Sheen is Italian?



Holy fucking asscrackers, how did I miss this? THANKS for the link!

Which Bonzo song did he mime? I missed that…

Stigmata by Ministry, anyone? The live 10-minute version from the In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up EP will pretty much do it for me.

Hey, who put a wig on Craig Ferguson's sidekick Geoff Peterson?

It's OK, Jon Pertwees Shameless Gurning … just reverse the polarity of the neutron flow and it'll all be OK in the end.

I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

I would like to wee on either of their boobies.

Did anybody else paint their face in the 80s?


1980's punky Flush the Fashion was actually my gateway to Alice Cooper, in the cutout bin in 1985. "Pain" remains an under-rated classic from an era most, including our erstwhile reviewer, dismiss.

The Prisoner's pennyfarthing bicycle. In white ink. On the side of my shaved head, so when my hair grows in, no one can see the blasted thing … even though I know it's there …

Will it EVER be Sarcoidosis?

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Get new friends.

If Todd Phillips is going to remake something, let him remake his film-school movie.