Geddy Lee Mavers

Ted couldn't have been right about the cigarettes. In an earlier episode where they all try to quit smoking, Saget-Ted says in voice-over that they all quit eventually and Lily's last cigarette was on the day she started trying to get pregnant.

Joseph Arthur is one of my favorite artists. He's may be too prolific for his own good as it can be difficult to keep up with all his output, but he's been pretty consistent over the years. "Come To Where I'm From", "Our Shadows Will Remain" and "The Graduation Ceremony" are all excellent albums and I think that "In

Just a quick "Wait a second. . ." question - How was Horn's tumor diagnosed without electricity?

I was surprised to see the minister show up tonight. I expected that Barney & Robin were going to be married by Sam Gibbs - James' dad. Maybe now they will. I'm waiting for Ben Vereen and John Lithgow to show up.

I'm betting her name is Kim.  I seem to remember an episode where Ted was listing all the traits of his perfect woman and one was she had to play bass like Kim Deal from the Pixies or Kim Gordn from Sonic Youth - "Really any Kim from any cool band - can't be too picky" or something like that.  The mother is at the

A couple weeks ao, I posted that "Dextercising" was the act of continuing to watch a once great show that has long sice become awful just because you want to find out how it ends.

Yes, this is a terrible show, for all the reasons stated in the review and more.  It seemes to be a game show put together by people who either don't like game shows or don't understand what can make a game show compelling.  First off, there isn't enough game in game - at least not on the televised portion.  In an

I am an unapologetic huge Barenaked Ladies fan and have been since "Gordon".  When that CD came out, it was so different from what was goung on in alternative music at the time, which was mostly Nirvana, Pearl Jam and their progeny.  I was into that music, but BNL was a welcome change of pace.  I had never heard them

Not much love on here for Aztec Camera's "High Land Hard Rain", which is one of my all time favorites. A few people remember "Oblivious", but that album is filled with great songs like "Walk Out To Winter", "The Boy Wonders" and "We Could Send Letters".  Roddy Frame hasn't been very prolific, but Aztec Camera's

Conflicting Emotions is a high point for a band that had a great run in the late 70's and early 80's.  Neil & tim finn have been putting out awesome music - together and separately - for 40+ years.

I think War is certainly one of U2's best and should be on any short list of best albums of 1983.  And if yyou like the album, you have to get the remastered version that was released a couple years ago.  The original CD was horrible, but the new version sounds like I remember my vinyl sounding back in '83.  (You

I'm comforted to read I'm not the only one haunted by missing a Final Jeopardy.  I can say with about 95% certainty that I would have gotten it right if I was sitting in my living room, but I choked under the lights.  For about 3 years I would wake up at night angry with myself . 

I used to live in L.A. and went on Jeopardy in 2000. I won one game, then lost.  My third place prize for the second day was a hot air balloon ride over the San Fernando Valley, but I never took it.  My friend an I had a vague plan of using it to throw things at the contestants in the Big Brother house during that

I came to the Ted Leo party a little late (around "Shake the Sheets"), but I loved that disc so much I went back and collected all the earlier stuff and have to agree that "Hearts of Oak" is a high point in a consistently strong discography.  Any disc with this tune and "Where Have All The Rude Boys Gone?" is gonna

And although it wasn't on the "Scratch My Back" album, Gabriel has covered Joseph Arthur's "In The Sun". Arthur doing "Shock The Monkey" should be pretty cool. His "Ballad of Boogie Christ" CD is one of my favorites this year.

Bought the CD today - yeah, the Best Buy verson with 4 extra songs - and I have to say it's pretty damn good.  Soul Asylum was one of my favorites in the late 80s and early 90s. Forget that "Runaway Train" was played to death for a year, and Grave Dancers Union is an album that still sounds great, as does Hang

Bought the CD today - yeah, the Best Buy verson with 4 extra songs - and I have to say it's pretty damn good.  Soul Asylum was one of my favorites in the late 80s and early 90s. Forget that "Runaway Train" was played to death for a year, and Grave Dancers Union is an album that still sounds great, as does Hang

I'll go with any coversation that goes something like:

I'll go with any coversation that goes something like: