Geddy Lee Mavers

Agreed that Wes is great and "Summer Single" is a terrific song because it doesn't just have the sound of a classic summer song, but also captures a little of the feeling of the end of summer with the great couplet "Nothing lasts forever, there's a tunnel at the end of the light /   You might as play that summer

Agreed that Wes is great and "Summer Single" is a terrific song because it doesn't just have the sound of a classic summer song, but also captures a little of the feeling of the end of summer with the great couplet "Nothing lasts forever, there's a tunnel at the end of the light /   You might as play that summer

Back in 2001, Elvis Costello was the Artist in Residence at UCLA and my wife and I saw him perform with the Charles Mingus Orchestra, doing re-interpretations of his songs.  It was an amazing concert and I always assumed it would become available on CD, but it never has been.  I guess I prefer it that way, as those

Back in 2001, Elvis Costello was the Artist in Residence at UCLA and my wife and I saw him perform with the Charles Mingus Orchestra, doing re-interpretations of his songs.  It was an amazing concert and I always assumed it would become available on CD, but it never has been.  I guess I prefer it that way, as those

Having Chris Elliot talk to Lily about the dangers of her tonsilectomy may actually have been a callback to his old show, "Get A Life."  I seem to remeber an episode where Chris was afraid to get his tonsils taken out.  Everyone mocked him and then, as was the custom of the show, he died.  The show ended with a

And if Smash Mouth is a little too substantial for you, try "Almost" by Bowling for Soup.

I seem to be among the minority of people who think "Wincing The Night Away" is on par with the first 2 Shins discs, but it's largely because I think Australia is their best tune.  Loved the Broken Bells CD, too (although the subsequent EP was less successful) . I'll be getting this one on its release day.

OK, I just registered when I saw this because Kirsty was tremendous.  I remember buying "Kite" in the Summer of 1990 only because I knew she had sung backup for the Smiths, Talking Heads and John Wesley Harding, and I loved her version of "You Just Haven't Earned it Yet, Baby" on the "She's Having a Baby" Soundtrack.