
Quantity has a quality all its own
-Joey Stalin

just the tip sometimes

what a pain in the neck.

I only came here to make a joke about boobs and weed after seeing the headline. Of course somebody beat me to it with only 16 comments on the clock.

His next film is going to be a story about a guy selling a car. The twist-ending is that it really is rust-free and runs well. The woman that calls about it falls in love with him.

So does he specialize in making/being in films about Craigslist ads that leave the people that answer them surprised in the end? At least the other one had Aubrey Plaza.

Deep Cover with Lawrence Fishburne and Jeff Goldblum is another overlooked treasure from this era.

Hannibal Lecter never threatened to fuck somebody's dog.

Whatever I read said the actor was someone Burt Reynolds knew from working rodeos. Maybe it was the guy holding the gun that had "done worse". Deliverance is still one of those movies I'll sit and watch if it comes on TV despite having seen it too many times.

James Dickey, for those who don't know, has a cameo in the movie as the sheriff who tells them boys, "don't you ever do nothing like this again, hear" … or something to that effect.

Anybody ever see the Deliverance spoof on SCTV? That shit killed me when I was a kid. Martin Short standing-in for the banjo kid. Also… I read a few places that when the Deliverance director was nervously explaining to the amateur actor that he had to do a scene where he raped a man, the guy replied " I've done

A drunk buddy of mine paid for Mother by Danzig to play like 8 times on the jukebox in some local dive bar once. The second time there were a few laughs. The third time only one guy kind of snickered. The fourth time the bartender quietly walked over and yanked the power cord out of the wall. Didn't say anything

I'm actually a bigger fan now than I was then but…I saw Nine Inch Nails at Woodstock '94 because I'm cool and kinda old now.

and the fact that he's a "dad" telling kids about the Cherry Poppin' "Daddies" in terms of hymen shredding amps up the creep-factor just a wee bit more.

Did the dad take it upon himself to teach kids about sex at school? Was he asked to do so? Was he considered some kind of local sex expert…? I don't understand the situation.

that's a gross and oddly beautiful summation.

what makes it tick is its….GREAT ASSSSS! and you got your head right up it!

I wonder if they'll draw a parallel between Belushi and Chris Farley??

My dad started as seasonal Christmas help at Columbia House in Terre Haute in 1969. It was a long season. He worked there until the early 2000's

I forgot about that part. Driving a Cobra of all things.