Schticky Fingers

Cheese and Whine
I love Ellenore, but I was really annoyed at her assertion that "you're about to see maybe the best routine in SYTYCD history!" What a stupid thing to say. The routine was good, sure, but she set the bar so high that it almost guaranteed disappointment.

We Expect Fashion
Amelie Gillette, your snark delights me.

Cheese and Whine
There's some decent wine to be found in boxes. It's not all Boone's Farm. Just sayin'.

I'm with you Murgatroid. I was literally saying to myself "This episode kinda sucks," and then Sue Sylvester showed up to say "I was aroused, then furious," and I was on board again.

Memies, I have to disagree with you about a slow burn on Friday Night Lights. Street's accident, Riggs and Lyla, even Saracen, felt pretty tragic and had established stories almost straight out of the gate. I agree that Glee is burning through stories too quickly: they are trying to tell dramatic stories via comic

@ LT Woodford: the "non-gay half" of the young copywriting team is Smitty.

Cooper was definitely badass last night.

@Miller … what do you mean "where the hell has that kid been"? Are you still operating on the (debunked) assumption that the baby is being raised by her sister? Peggy gave the baby away.

My take on this is that Pete was right: in screwing Peggy, Duck was actually screwing over Don, or trying to.

Panel is the Problem
The judging panel is the problem. When they have random people every week (though it seems like Zoe Glassner's becoming a regular), they judge solely on the week, and not on the overall talent and vision of the designer who maybe is having an off week. For sure Ramon is better than Louise and

Sweet Spot
The two-second shot of Finn sobbing on Mr. Schu's shoulder: that's the sort of scene that elevates this show for me. It hits the sweet spot between drama, melodrama, and comedy.

Bloody Good Show
Mad Men is getting gruesome. In my mind I still have a perfect picture of Grandpa Gene pushing that bloody mop, but it's competing with an image of the Chipmunks sprayed in blood and bone and bits of sock and shoe.