"Phil, confronted with the grim spectre of death, has no pithy rejoinder."
"Phil, confronted with the grim spectre of death, has no pithy rejoinder."
"Double Jameson, on the rocks."
Word to Loose Stool.
Agreed SoCal. I will absolutley watch a Bulls v. Thunder game if it is on TV. Same for Golden State v Miami. None are elite teams, but based on sheer althleticism and style of play its going to be entertaining basketball.
College defenses are also "better" (along with the shorter season/ fresher legs point) because most athletic guards that can actually hit open 12-17 foot jumpers go to the NBA asap. Same story with any semi-competent post players. Hasheem Thebeet was drafted last year based on the 15% chance he may someday develop a…
Its like he walked straight out of a taste test video.
That was fantastic. I had to rewind because I so utterly lost it. I was already loving it, but then Michael only has to get out "green camr-" before Jim knows his day is fucked.
I liked "Thats why they call me a chameleon. Because of my slender frame and my big wet eyes." *bugs out Buscemi eyes*
Amazing things happen when ESPN allows creative people to use the network's immense resources (mainly money/archive footage/access) and gets the fuck out of the way.
God, I am outrageously, out of control optomistic about this series.
More like Trajan's column
you goofball
The sports team from my area *IS SUPERIOR TO* the sports team from your area.
Or dryer sheets inside a cardboard paper towl roll + smoke blown through the back of a fan pointed out the window. Or so I've heard.
I think the first 45 minutes or so of Shoot Em' Up were pretty fucking funny. If it had been cut down to 60 minutes or less, it would have been great. But also not really a movie.
Jesse Eisenberg also apparently really really really does not think sticking your thumb out to hitchhike is funny.
Boosh. Doesn't matter anymore though, the NBA refs are going to get locked out. Like they assume the league can't go on without their high standard of work.
The fact that this newswire got me so excited just reminds me of how much it sucks that the 3 best Wu-Tang members (my opinion, but who else would it be?) working together is so rare.
And Diabeetus, that will be awfully hard to pull off with only one foot.
How dare you besmirch poor, helpless Natty Lite?