
That was torturous indeed. And for a crap game that ended up being a total bore. I really think most people would have watched that weekend. I surely would have.

He isn't dead, just seems retired from acting.

Well I'm a former teenage girl and I have all daughters so I promise you that when teen girls act out the way Audrey has there is childhood trauma behind it. Two guys in a vehicle? Something happened to that child; I'm as positive as I can be at this point.

He looked like he would rather shoot himself than sit there another minute. Bored.

Her hair was rather, grown-up, I guess is the phrase. Kinda big for a girl of about 13. Too much to contrast with the other girl who has gone for the Goth look.

I can't find my older post on this so I'll ask has anyone gone to the Darkness Becomes You website? They have these inside the episode vignettes. One of them is called "Inside the Yellow King" and Nic Pizzolato explains the whole Yellow King/Carcosa story. Anyway, Ledoux definitely says "I've seen you in my dreams,

Yes he did, proving he had seen the word written but had no knowledge of it's proper pronunciation.

Shia LeBeef lost me when he mispronounced "epitome" and that's been awhile so…

Anyone has the potential for violence but why she thinks she can move out of their house and completely refuse to allow him to touch her isn't going to cause him to figure this out eventually is beyond me. She needs support desperately, and in those days women did not get it when they were raped; sometimes they don't

I knew this shithead was in deep when he went with the "my best friend is black" line. I wonder how this alleged "friend" feels about him now.

Not being a "day one" viewer I've no doubt missed a great deal of important back story with this show, but this was still a very weird episode all around. I kept thinking Venus's abuse story would turn out to be bullshit so color me surprised when it turned out to be true. And although I completely understand a

This was a most satisfying and fitting end to this saga. I always knew, w/99 percent certainty cause it's Gilligan's habit to break our hearts, so leave room for the shocking, Jesse would survive & also that it would be Walt to get him out when he went to kill Jack & the other scum for killing Hank & stealing his

So, "Low Winter Sun" is on RIGHT AFTER Breaking Bad? Really, that's what I've been ignoring the past 6 weeks? Damn, and it's a salve too, to ease the pain of BB ending forever. What an asshole I've been!

This was back in July. My guess is that, very unfortunately for her, she probably showed it to someone who was likely confused as hell & asked her what it was, she explains, they tell her that was not Nirvana and how it could not be. How humiliating but then again there is the Internet to research these things.

I was a great fan of BWE-until they killed off THE most compelling character, Michael Pitt's Jimmy Darmody. That was so wrong on so many levels. I watched the season fin but that was pretty much it. I'm off this show for good.

So, when you say the intentional double misspelling of "Fite Nite" will drive Sonya up a wall, will she get equally perturbed at Erik Adams misspelling of "Donovan" by having added an extra "o"?

Right, exactly.

I watched him perform last year on I think it was the CMA, hell I don't know, I get confused with these awards shows.  It was very sad.  I cried the entire time.  I heard his music my entire childhood and it's heartbreaking to know this is happening to him.

I really hoped they wouldn't go there either, but after giving into the historic rumor that Cesare killed Juan by his own hand, then I guess all bets are off as far as taboos subjects go.  They are allowing historical character assassination to rule the script and I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with that.  I've never

Doesn't matter if she is right, she of all people ought to know by now her father responds to actions, not words.  If she had been able to keep Joffrey under control he would shown more respect for her.  He actually doesn't care much for any of his children, and has even dressed Jaime down when he screwed up.  He