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    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    That show is so funny I can hardly stand it.

    The more we learn about the relationship between Dodd and his daughter, the creepier it gets, this time with Floyd stepping in and chasing him off.

    I love their relationship so much. (Cleary and Harry.) Shipping like crazy here…

    I have been on the fence about this show since it started, but damn … I thought this episode was great. Helen, in particular, finally came through as a character we might care about, her trust fund shield finally broken.

    "Oh, it's the duchess. And the boy with his finger in the dike." Am I the only person in love with Paul Crosley?

    What's with Sarah Silverman's weird baby voice? I started fast-forwarding through her scenes.

    Dillane's performance did stand out. (Fun fact: he is the son of the actor who plays Stannis Baratheon.)

    True that, her body is perfect. So once again, the man can look real but the woman cannot.

    Did he really say "tater of the tots"?

    Homeland seems to have a lock on this thing. Never mind that it's been awful since mid-season 2.

    1. Libby has gotten too painful to watch, as she acquiesces to an arrangement in which she is the undesired but domestically useful third wheel. Gini is not her friend and never will be. Gini is her usurper. They can both try and dress it up in "modern" terms, but that is the heart of the situation.

    Though, speaking of Tawney's religious life, I can't help but count the crosses on the walls of her home. Sometimes I wonder if they are actually crosses or "T"s for Ted and Tawney. I did notice in this episode that one wall alone boasts three of them.

    And on a lighter note, did this show finally, accurately explain why Twix bars always get stuck?