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    Hannibal on the way (thank god).

    OK, at least one Chick lover has to speak up. Loved him in SOA, love him here. He's just the right kind of creepy-quirky for this show.

    A-? A+ is more like it. This was a stunning episode. Bates Motel has never, to this degree, shown so much love and grace among its characters. That was a real family Norma assembled around that dining table, against all odds—-people who have struggled all their lives with enormous personal problems, but who, for that

    His American accent is not the best.

    Maybe Cary will go with her.

    "What's wrong with these criminals that they can't just hang on to their own shit?"

    Oh, he's a goner.

    Ah, never mind, I just read further down in thread.

    Libby Hill, someone—-please clarify how many episodes are left! The numbering has been very confusing (UK calls this episode 10, for example).

    Gotta laugh in disbelief when Alicia sasses Lemond Bishop. A drug kingpin of his caliber wouldn't hesitate to have her children killed. You'd think she'd be aware of that…

    No kidding. Precocious is one thing—-and she has always played that believably—-but this was over the top.

    I find myself hoping that somehow a security camera caught the whole thing.

    So was Chick implying that Dylan and Caleb were like George and Lenny in Of Mice and Men and if so, did Caleb catch the insult? Were these three gentlemen all so attentive in their high school English classes?

    I love this show so damn much I want to marry it, even though I know that's not appropriate. And amen to your Vera Farmiga=acting force of nature comment.

    Blonde Lady™, oh bravo, she is like every cheerleader/PTO mom/yoga mom I have ever hated in my life.

    Check out a movie she was in about 10 years ago, Transamerica. She was beyond wonderful.

    They'll be flying in a new medical examiner…

    Tina is very dislikable—-the beauty who skates through life on her looks but is actually an ugly person. I thought her tit show was pathetic as well. On some level she knows that this is why Larry likes her (and why he will soon dump her for someone new). Michelle and, finally, Alex, calling her on her behavior was

    I'm dropping it now for good. So vapid and materialistic and horrible it makes me want to take a shower after watching it.

    I agree the marriage isn't bad. Brett is rather adorable. Michelle is suffering from garden variety midlife mom malaise. She's bored, she's stifled (by motherhood even more than by her marriage), she's looking for adventure and something new. The show nails it.