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    Thank you for venting. I can't stand her either, and I thought her request of Adam was way out of bounds. If she is as supremely competent as she imagines herself to be, why doesn't she take over the business role of The Luncheonette?

    So everybody knows what a fluffer is, without having to look it up?

    I checked in here to see if anyone else thinks this show is losing it. I found this episode so boring I switched it off midway. I've enjoyed this show mainly for the interplay between Sherlock and Joan. Obviously there's less of that now, and what remains feels stale or misdirected (e.g. talking about how best to

    Better Beth than Carol.

    Yes—those were Chekhov's Outtakes if ever I saw any.

    Um, I believe the name “Sleater-Kinney” was mispronounced on The Good Wife…

    It's a really good show.

    Re: 2), maybe not that they're knocking boots, but that they are emotionally entangled and that she loves him—-oh, I think so, how could he miss that?

    Actually, I think the woman playing Danny's mom looks like a teenager (and has a very youthful demeanor overall), while the girl playing the sister indeed looks too old for that part. I have to keep reminding myself who's who.

    Or, given their business partnership, why doesn't HBO promote it?

    Oh, Lucy, aka Nurse Thackery. I'm afraid that panicked alias will come back to haunt her.

    Side note: I am loving how history, with whatever artistic liberties, is woven so naturally into this show: dead child photography, Typhoid Mary, the origins of concoctions like Dr. Pepper, the "intoxication" (to use Nurse Elkins' word) of inventions and innovations of all kinds. Kudos to the writers.

    I was about to write the same thing myself. The relationships between Thack and Edwards, the ambulance driver and the nun (and what a great character "Harry" is turning out to be), the hospital director slyly making his moves to save himself, the scene of Edwards and his seamstresses in the basement pioneering new

    Daniel is screwed. This is a baaaaad situation.

    Well. In my book, this was an A+.

    Yes, in a town like Paulie, thoughtful, heartfelt expression at a funeral will get called "babble." One would advise Daniel to leave with Amantha ASAP—but then we'd have no story.

    Fewer than 150,000? Wow. This is such a beautiful show. I feel gobsmacked by every episode. There is nothing else like it. I wish it had been given a run on HBO.

    I have a special category for this show: Too Good for This World. The only other show I'd put there is Enlightened. It's the honesty, the subtlety.