My Dogs .5lb Steamer

Is that what Amy Schumer's calling herself now?

say that 2 my face, not online, and lets see what happens

$20/month is nothing to your average audiophile

it was 1992 so you couldn't go on the internet and instantly find 1000 people telling you people were oppressing you and problematic for not loving you exactly as you were

Yep. She's totally wrong for Mystique. It says a lot that she gets outacted by Rebecca Romijn, who actually has a sense of being seductive and how to carry herself with poise to get across a sense of power/menace


Well, there's no easy answer to that one, but most things I've read say the last surviving Habsburgs were almost succeeding in getting the Seven Jew Bankers to fund their takeover of Cultural Marxism, until Hillary Clinton initiated Phase III of Jade Helm without approval from Obama, because she needed to keep Hitler

Actually, is all other music that must die

don't eeeven get me started on Mace windu blackest baddest mother fucker in the galaxy… Treated like the Clarence Thomas of the Jedi council. Can't even scrap properly against a 75 year old senator! Who the fuck you kidding, John McCain ain't kicking mayweathers ass

It's depressing in that the world is a place where awful brutal things happen that leave good men shattered, but it's not bleak and cynical. It has more humanity, family, forgiveness, genuine wonder, and so on than most prestige TV nowadays

Agreed, it's interesting to watch one series that's 60% unredeemable crap concentrated at the end, as opposed to evenly sprinkled all throughout

Season 5 was the definition of over staying a welcome. They totally ran out of interesting or meaningful Jesse plot. Show should have died with Gus

Huh, I guess that explains why I haven't seen your mother commenting lately…

What a load of third-hour-on-the-joe-rogan-experience crap. Almost no book worth reading can't be explained in 30 seconds, even if it is tough to really get all the details across. You can give a good and honest summary of like, Marx's capital or Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus or even Heidegger's being

It's not even a mean giant monster! It's just like, the giraffe of an alternate dimension. Who are they kidding!!

I can no longer use my well-established Internet Identity "My Dog drops a Half-Pound Steamer" on the board. Incredibly disappointing revamp.