
Some audio clips would have been nice…

I believe it is called t.u.

"…and I felt like this was pretty good, but this gave me an idea of what it was, and that was all I needed."

Well, there's a lot of funny music acts, FOTC, Th Rutles, etc., but this was more of a Comedians doing music list like "Do Comedians Belong in Music?". The vid clip of Sam Kinison is proof enough. Not that I liked hair Metal much (aside from when I was like 11), but that video pretty much preserves for all

I am entranced by the thought of glimpsing Naomi's Helicooter…

I see what you did there…

John, John was a little crippled midget lesbian boy
but stood ten foot tall with a knife.

Maybe…I don't see the Jack character as one who vocalizes belief in the sketchy supernatural. The matter of factness about it makes me think future Christian Bale is alive.

Ok. This has been buggin me for a long time as everyone keeps talking about Christian Shepard being dead. In Jack's first flash forward when he is at the hospital freaking out, he challenges the attending to go up stairs and get his dad to see if his dad is drunker than he is? Also, he had scrips from his dad for

Now that you mention it, my mom has a very distinctive and loud laugh, which she chose to showcase at said stomach-popping scene in a theater FULL of peeps. I was mortified. Luckily the rest of the movie scared her up good, but the scene will be forever ruined for me.

That's right, nobody fucks with the Jesus

Jordan: The Comeback ~ I usually start with the title track and listen through the end. I have it on good authority that the world becomes a better place if done so. Also, side A on Steve McQueen is flawless. Side B is great, but may take a few listens to get past some of the hokiness.

Sid and Nancy couldn't have been more embarrassing if Disney had produced it. Repo was great (as was straight to hell), but S&N garbage, through and through.

With a name like Fuck Buttons, they are bound to succeed.

As a former Lonestarian, I think you made the right decision. Texas is a bag of dicks.

small extra small wide?

The stealth first is no longer impressive. I'm going to go watch Mulholland Drive to ease my disappointment.

Kind of, yes. Its a lie. Maybe a 3rd of it is Bauhausian in effort. The rest is PM solo effort-ish. I guess if you WANT to like it you can.

Yes, the title track and Hollow Hills especially

I dunno what crack Jason is smoking
but this sounds like the drivel PM lorbed pumping out as a solo act. Where's the interesting guitar sounds? Where's the interesting lyrics? Where's the Waldo?