
If "God" exists, it's not something discrete from other beings, which is a point probably considered blasphemous by most Abrahamic religions because it basically invalidates years of tradition where we have imagined a being that is "like us but better," a being that was the template for its creation of us.

You should fight those allegations. They'll keep you from getting the gold in knifemaking.

I think Colbert will have a shitload of people watching him, wanting to know what he's like when he's being sincere. It'll be a big deal. I'm kinda bummed to see the schtick go, but I'm super excited to see Colbert spread his wings.

I'll never understand how "social justice warrior" can ever be hurled as an insult, and it seems like it's everywhere now.

All your base are belong to us. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president? You, Jill, the master of lockpicking… Okay, I'm done.


Anybody else think that Jeff Foxworthy would make a great Commissioner Gordon in a reboot of the campy TV show?

A mere 50! I switched to Dazed and Confused and Empire Records somewhere around 12 or 13, and then after that the desire to endlessly repeat movies I liked seemed to stop. Now I get to watch Frozen over and over. The circle of life.

I hate this song, too. But I like (Everything I Do) I Do It For You. I think it's because I was 6 when Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves came out, and I proceeded to watch it at least 500 times before I turned 10.

It got a bit of a hand-wavy explanation in Dragon Age II, actually. I never killed her either, so it really made no difference to me, but her appearance in the DLC for that game irritated a lot of people (all of whom apparently got the rare beheading animation when they killed her). As far as I know, the only

Or stealing Offspring songs that were jokingly tagged as Weird Al songs.

I'm kinda glad to hear this. I just watched it on Hulu, and I was honestly dumbfounded by how much it sucked relative to how much I dig John Mulaney. I kept trying to trying to figure out if it was a Seinfeld parody beyond the obvious opening shot. His acting seemed too bad to not be a meta joke.

Eh, give 'em the benefit of the doubt and assume they thought it was a finished Dylan song first.

Apples and oranges.

It's almost too perfect to not happen. Michael Douglas can help him get his vengeance.

"Home" Videos is kind of quaint. They're all just Videos, man. From the people. As it should be.

I think the "America isn't the greatest country anymore" speech was the only part about the show I actually liked. I watched the whole first season religiously because of it. I'm a sucker for that sort of pathos, though. Cynical truth over weary idealism is one of my favorite character traits.

I think rape is worse than murder, in a way. Murder (or killing in general, I suppose) isn't always selfish, unlike rape. If a character kills someone and you understand their monkey-brain reasoning behind it—Jaime thought he was protecting Cersei and his children by trying to kill Bran, for instance—it's sometimes

I think there's some truth to that (in that many people would think she's crazy), but most women would be put off by Bradley Cooper acting like Boyle. There's a big difference between watching something from the outside and having it happen to you.

They're no Rapid Eye Movement, that's for sure.