
I think I agree with your crazy uncle more than I agree with people who like white wine.

They were all impossible, unless you were my older brother. I refuse to believe anything different.

@avclub-11997aab46c754fb90f36b9d8e4eaf99:disqus No characters from Scranton moved to Pawnee for an exciting new adventure working in local government, though.

Doesn't AMC have commercials?  How can the dramatic tension be destroyed by someone talking about the subject at hand when you've got a bunch of random bullshit thrown at you regardless?

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I read American Gods forever ago, and I couldn't remember any contextual clues, but I did find this:  http://scifi.stackexchange….

@avclub-02d1cf78a1d903a6b638dbe80dc64fa0:disqus I think I have some weirdly specific form of OCD where I always read  @avclub-110f08d5c3133981366b5c53ace53241:disqus, even though I know it's all bullshit.


It's an interesting topic, and I hope he does well with it.  I'm also hoping "semi-academic" is code for "We want people to actually buy this" instead of The Game with a bibliography.

Ah, the days of writing in my livejournal and listening to Seventy Times Seven and There's No "I" In Team back to back.  Yeah.  I was cool.

Ron is a party dude.

I love Radio Song.  Of course, I was 7 when my mom bought Out of Time, so it's pure nostalgia.  I can't even listen to it objectively.

"Omega male"?  Is this a thing now?  As the presumed opposite of the alpha male, it doesn't sound like the same sort of insult that "beta male" is.

You're not that much of a ninja if people are calling you on your alcoholism and general bad behavior.  Although, it could be argued that they might be claiming that it doesn't affect his ability to create, in which case, yeah, no shit.  Probably helps.

You seem clever, if nothing else.  I don't believe you.

@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus & I'm anti-semiotics!

I think Ender's Game is pretty much the only thing worth adapting, anyway.

Pan Fried Butt, $7.95

Miles of it!