
and I second the motion!

biddybiddybiddy -

I still like Cottle for the Final Fiver. No real reason other than I just think it would be cool for Donnelly Rhodes.

The creepiest moment
for me was when Athena wakes up from the shared vision to see Hera standing next to her. And then Hera says "bye-bye".

Nana Visitor
I was really pleased to see her in this episode. Her scenes with Mary McDonnell were beautiful. I was particularly struck by their moment on the boat.

I know I put this in a comments section somewhere…but in my heart of hearts I really wanted to hear DC do Tori Amos' version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit". I never imagined he'd pick Duran Duran…yuck!

I wish Barney did more magic.

My husband and I actually gave him extra points for the ascot.

you are a gift from the writing gods.

I bailed…
as soon as Becca piped up that she didn't want to hook up while watching Resevoir Dogs. My husband and I had already guffawed ourselves silly to see Callum Rennie in the worst fake moustache evar, and this was just too much.

Crossing my fingers…
…that the new writing staff work some magic.