Honky Magoo

All I remember from the movie is that everything was green - clothing, sets, everything.

A-???  Were we watching the same show?  Normally, I agree with your recaps, Carrie, but here we'll have to agree to disagree.So that witch has the power to know when a lady is pregnant?  Congratulations, you have the worst power ever!Now that Haley is carrying his Magic Miracle Baby (tm 1derer), is Klaus gonna start

I had a lot of albums on cassettes that I loved as a kid, but none that I really listen to anymore (yeah, that's right, Debbie Gibson's albums haven't held up over the years.  Who could've seen that coming?). The album I've loved the longest is the very first CD I ever bought: Weezer, the blue album.

Mine would be when Melissa asks McGuirk if he tried closing his eyes. My husband and I recite that whole McGuirk-Melissa exchange all the time.

Damn I've missed your PR reviews, Teti.  Bravo.

Damn I've missed your PR reviews, Teti.  Bravo.

Yep, uncut and glorious.

Yep, uncut and glorious.

I yelled at my tv too!  Then I downloaded Afro Blue's superior version.  Is it really that hard for Glee to come up with its own original mashups?

Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast, blueberryudhs?


I had to Google "Gloria Stivic" because I had no idea who that was.  Thanks for making me feel young again, Todd.

I really thought you were referring to Josh as "the world's gayest little cockroach" for a minute.  I must've missed that scene and my poor tired brain was befuddled for a minute.

Star Wars quotes in a Project Runway recap?  This is why I love the A.V. Club, and more specifically, your work, Teti.  Please tell us you'll be recapping the Project Runway All-Stars!

The show may be called "Raising Hope" but does anyone really care about the baby?  Do we really need to see her react to everything?

Agreed.  I didn't think Burt was trying to figure out what to say (or choosing not to say his lines) so much as he was just trying to put one and one together.

The feigned enthusiasm the contestants managed to drum upwhen Tim Gunn announced the Sheepdogs as the winner made me roar with laughter.  It was even more pathetic than the "excitement" over last week's gift to the clients from Piperlime.

“I would have liked to be the captain. However, I had to fall like a bitch.”