
That felt weird to me, too. For me, the reason why is that I was watching a brand new episode of something and it was making a reference that felt a thousand years old in Internet time.

Yeah, I have some nitpicks about the series (I don't feel like anyone was hoping the new series would finally implement CGI or have celebrity cameos, but eh) but the only thing that really bothers me about it is that I'm just not laughing at anything. A lot of the riffs just feel like references to stuff without any

I completely adore the first game as well and it's probably my favorite of all time. I spent many hours scouring every level for new stuff and I'm surprised by how often I find it. I've played through it a bunch of times in a bunch of different ways (without ever wielding a weapon, only wielding a knife, I've tried

That was my take, too. Not the entertainment smorgasbord that we were promised, but I thought the CGI and editing looked really good, even if it was in the service of a giant shrug.

Agreed. Cube is incredibly bad and Splice isn't much better.

How is it that it doesn't end with "HASTA LA VISTA BABY"?

It's Frequently Crap

Holy crap. This guy is a friend of mine. I never thought I'd see the day.

It's just from the removal of her "I HEART BURGER KING" tattoo.

This episode did suck, but the worst thing was just the completely flimsy premise of having Pee-Wee Herman on. Oh, he made a joke about the Alamo in a movie 20 years ago, let's get him on for a critical late season challenge. Barf.

I grew up playing Sierra adventures and loving them. And then I played them again a few years ago and wow, some of them are really bad. Police Quest 1 is pretty schlocky and makes some really dumb choices (although I have to disagree with you about PQ2; I thought it was much worse than 1 and didn't find anything about

And you would have stopped the hijackers on 9/11.


Nice graphics.

If it included the phrase "nodal points" more often, it would be perfect.

You might want to consider starting with his short stories (there's a collection named Burning Chrome.) I've always thought of them as a good backdrop to Neuromancer and they're kind of a gentle introduction to his writing because they're shorter pieces. At any rate, if you don't like the Burning Chrome collection,

He never saw Dawes again.

Or hit "stop" on your browser before the page finishes loading. Works pretty well and it's a fun game to play! Or not.

Keeps me warm.

It's been too long since I've seen them all to pick just one favorite, but some of mine are "That Moustache Feeling," "The Tick vs. Proto-Clown," "Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love," and yeah, "The Tick vs. The Tick."