Caged Wisdom



Tom Waits has successfully sued three different times for companies using soundalikes after he turned down their offers.

Tom Waits has successfully sued three different times for companies using soundalikes after he turned down their offers.

I'm sure a lawsuit will be forthcoming. No musician can or should let something like this slide.

I'm sure a lawsuit will be forthcoming. No musician can or should let something like this slide.

Old Dominion Peanut Company always gives me a vaguely sinister, slaveholder vibe whenever I see their name.

Old Dominion Peanut Company always gives me a vaguely sinister, slaveholder vibe whenever I see their name.

I would think the small number of people reading the New York Post who give a shit about race representation in Girls are probably going to also know who Donald Glover is.

I would think the small number of people reading the New York Post who give a shit about race representation in Girls are probably going to also know who Donald Glover is.

They also had Tina saying during the sewing scene that Sugar would get a solo if she just put the work in. Love to see how they pull that off.

Tyler Perry's Crackers Drinkin' Wine

Theon and the Boy Corpses is a great band name.

Ugh, the prequel is going far back enough for them to be in high school? I thought it was only going back to early 20s. I hate it even more than I did a few seconds ago. I didn't think that was possible.

I would force myself to watch Whitney every single week if NBC promised me it would mean a full season for Community.

Definitely Invisible Gestures. I loved Penny Can but I feel like they've done everything they can with it.

SVU did just get picked up for another season and they do love the ridiculous plots. Here comes pig trial.

I really hope these jokes make their way back into the show in the next season. I've missed the invisible gestures going off the rails.

It's definitely worth giving it another look. You might even check out one of the new episodes next week and see what you think - there's no real learning curve as far as overall plot lines.

The description for next week implies something might happen to Big Carl. If so, in honor of this news, I suggest the new chalice be named Big Ted.