Caged Wisdom

They broke up six months after graduation, right?

@avclub-16b30c64f09d2a66b1ff9c086efb9c45:disqus He just talked so sweet when he was luring me into the back of his van.

Be forewarned that Jeph Loeb is now showrunner for AEMH and it's been widely reported that he plans to make major changes. The quality on that show may plummet shortly.

Have you heard Patton Oswalt do his Christmas Shoes bit?

Some day Bay will realize his vision of an all-Victoria's-Secret-models update of The Color Purple.

It ends pretty well actually. Malcolm gets offered a once-in-a-lifetime, incredibly high-paying job without having to go to college by a software (I think, going on memory here) tycoon that Lois turns down for him. Malcolm is irate until Lois breaks down the family's plan for Malcolm that they've all been in on since

@avclub-7656b560c7e180f8e0d84ca82ac0d8b7:disqus Season 9 was uneven but had more good episodes than bad:

It's downright mind-blowing how different the attitude towards women was not that long ago. Even The Beatles have something like five or six songs that have pretty sinister overtones towards women.

Not to mention Superboy's cycle.

You do know that the AVClub people don't make this show, right?

It's fairly common for studio audiences to be given treats of some sort - candy or ice cream, etc, so they're hyped up before filming begins. So you're not fair off there.

*deleted because it was entirely too snarky*

I disagree that Todd's lack of knowledge of Whitney Houston was a hindrance to his appreciating this episode. You're assuming that Todd knowing more about Houston would automatically make him a fan.

@ Dowd - she also plays a different character for a couple of the early episodes - a harp player employed by The Independence Inn.

I vote that we give up on USM and start getting regular Young Justice reviews. That show is quickly turning into a worthy successor to Justice League/Justice League Unlimited. The last episode, and I hate this word but it applies, was epic.

I'm kinda like Jesus, but not in a sacrilegious way…

You spelled "best job ever" wrong.

It's a minor quibble but I'm pretty sure the title of the episode is meant to be "The Last Walt" - as in a play on "The Last Waltz".

I know I need to let this go by now, but I just really want them to throw in some offhanded comment or b plot where they address what happened to Junior Agent Amy Jessup. That's the one thing I know they're never going to address and it bugs the hell out of me.

Burn! Way to come on to enemy territory here at this entertainment website to show us Hollywood types what a bunch of douchebags we are!