Caged Wisdom

I said basically the same thing to a friend earlier today - it seems like it should be creepy and kind of crass, and maybe it is, a little. But it's also pretty damned cool. Really smart use of technology.

Oh c'mon, if he's going to be any salesperson from The Simpsons it's got to be Gil.

I've enjoyed this show from the start, and from the beginning I've been worried it would hit a point where Garcia's worse instincts turned it into a trainwreck, like he did with Earl and the idiotic coma/sitcom/Alyssa Milano stuff. I hope this isn't the moment that signals that.

Spoiler for end of book two:

So when they're saying God is the Bigger Elvis, they mean between young Elvis and fat Elvis, right? God wears a jumpsuit and his sweat always smells of fryer grease?

Well, to be fair, I think the issue here is just people who are making movies. Television right now is better than it's ever been.

Did I totally misinterpret things or didn't they imply in one of the previews a few weeks back that someone was going to get shot? I know now that most of the reactions we saw immediately following that were actually the family's reaction to Monica slitting her wrists, but I really thought I heard a gunshot in there.

The woman named her child Salinger???

At this point I think Courtney would confess that she did it just for the attention.

I'm too lazy to look it up right now but if I'm remembering correctly Bendis actually co-wrote that video game, which would explain why it captured the USM tone so perfectly.

@ MarkyGras - Magneto was killed during the god-awful Ultimatum though, and the comics community as a whole has decided to pretend that storyline never occurred. I checked with them all.

I'm split on this one - I like Missy, because I think it's always fun to have a slightly insane, cartoony character in the mix of a sitcom. I can't stand Julian though. I'm so tired of the foreign sleazeball character that works its way into every sitcom at some point or another.

Teddy Bear Witness is a great band name.

My wife and I were trying to figure out the apartment thing too. Bobby definitely used his money from selling Penny Can to get an apartment.

I actually thought the whole Pam nap scene was the only truly funny moment of the entire episode. I'm surprised it didn't get a mention in the review and the only person to mention it here hated it.

Jackass boys win hands-down, because they've never once pretended the stuff they pull is anything other than beautifully stupid entertainment.

This has bothered me to no end as well. Every single person on the show who wears a Buckner uniform seems to wear a different one. I was always under the impression that private school uniforms were intended to be, you know, uniform.

She's like an even hotter Ted McGinley.

I'm surprised we don't have long scenes of them opening tiny bottle after bottle of Fiji water to cook with.

The last few episodes should just House, Wilson and Foreman going on the road fighting crime with their wits and solving mysteries with their fists.