Caged Wisdom

It may just be my cable provider but the subtitles are seriously fucked up too.

There is no such thing as a disproportionately gleeful reaction when you're meeting Pee Wee Fucking Herman in person.

I took it to be that he just wanted to make a difficult request because he's a celebrity.

I keep thinking seeing Emmy Rossum naked is going to get old, and it just doesn't.

And they're not only going with the Magic Autistic Savant trope but the Magical Negro too.

Burn Notice used to be incredibly authentic - to the point that there used to be a Youtube channel of people proving the little tricks they showed really worked. But it has definitely has gone off the rails in the last couple of years.

That's what happens when you let 90s action movie icon Renny Harlan direct.

It doesn't take much to be enough of a quasi-celebrity to score gigs like IC judge. Her looks carried her long enough to find a publicist or manager who probably got her someone to ghost-write a couple of cookbooks, and presto.

The only thing that I can remember off the top of my head is the episode where Shawn was kidnapped. And honestly I don't actually remember Gus acting panicked or concerned but just assume that he did so.

Me and every college athlete apparently.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was disappointed with this episode. I really like Raising Hope, but this episode was just weak. What you've said here is absolutely dead on. The visual gags were way too heavy-handed. Fat suit = never funny?

I don't think Schmidt is supposed to be a drone as much as just picked on because he's the only guy. We still don't really know what he does, and he might even be good at it, but he's also the office whipping boy.

I like the Winston storyline - he really does have great chemistry with the kid. But it seems to stretch believability a bit that the mom would so readily offer a total stranger she just met at a holiday party paid alone time with her child.

I think that the writers of Chuck were counting on most people (myself included) as only able to remember Swordfish as "that movie about hackers with the incredibly gratuitous shot of Halle Berry's tits, which no one really cared about seeing anyway."

That seemed absurd to me too. How great a club would that thing make? And then the potential to garrote people with the strings? Nuh uh.

The problem is, Jax is going to have a permanent pass now for any Clay-like behavior he has to pull as president because it's all going to be done under the guise of making the CIA happy. It doesn't matter how corrupt or murderous he has to become as long as it's someone else pulling his strings.

My biggest problem with this whole deus ex machina is the explaining away of Tara's botched hit as just the CIA (or at least Romeo's people acting under CIA supervision) attempting to bring her in for debriefing. There is no way that scene would have played out the way it did if that was anything but an attempted

I would welcome this sort of shift in the show, just so SOMETHING changes for once, but I don't think they're brave enough to go this route with Dexter. In the next episode he's going to yell at Brian to leave him alone, Brian's going to pop up a few more times, and then Dexter will remember how much he loves Harrison

And then Tim Allen reports them all to the cops in exchange for a back 9 order.