
I refuse to look it up, lest I fall victim to Powerthirteen's elitist trap.

What, you're not a fan of well-done steak with a side of ketchup?

I once drove through Philly. Didn't stop though, because, ya know…it's Philly.

(Kidding. We stopped for about fifteen minutes.)

You don't have that power.

Eh, children aren't so bad. Maybe you only know shitty ones. My nieces and nephews are all great.

Ha Ha Ha! Hilarious because a person actually died and that joke is totally not inappropriate!

Fuck off, act like an adult.

My four year old niece could smoke that motherfucker in a debate.

Yeah, that whole "I like people who weren't captured" line is especially egregious.

The Migos?!

Oh, he's still crazy, too. Just…less so.

As much as I hate Mike Pence, and boy do I hate Mike Pence, the fact that he's aware of the meme and also joking along with it on Twitter makes me wish he was in the big boy chair instead of Trump. We need at least a smidgen of sanity/humility in the White House. I mean, his policies will still do untold damage to


I was never in the military.

Now I'm just outraged at you!

Not outraged. Am gay.

All I know is I'm not outraged about anything. Also, gay.

Is it really worth all the outrage though? Or really more of an eye-roll?

I think you can just space out the letters and it works.

Nice slip past the censors.