"I wanna go make some sperm!"
"Chuck, we don't need any…"
"It's not for you! I like to masturbate in a closed room while people are waiting for pie to cool!"
"I wanna go make some sperm!"
"Chuck, we don't need any…"
"It's not for you! I like to masturbate in a closed room while people are waiting for pie to cool!"
Look, I don't wanna tell you how to jerk off. But I feel like you're just not doing it right.
I ask that about most Trump-related news stories as well.
They're called bathroom stalls.
You guys are really milking these "Uber is terrible" stories for all they're worth.
It was a lot of stupidity. Even for him, which is surprising.
He was supposed to have a team of lawyers reading over his shoulder ever since he got back from his trip. Doesn't look like that ever happened.
*full body shivers*
No, that's incorrect. There were definitely a few who were saying "We need to change our stances on a few key issues."
Ohhhhhh, intentionally. When I read that headline I thought we might have another Luck scenario on our hands.
I remember in 2012 when they lost hard. For about a month after the election, quite a few Republicans were adamant that their party had to change for the better. Appeal to minorities more, actually reach across the aisle and work with Democrats.
Did that happen? NOPE! They all just doubled down on their racist,…
I remember Titus fondly.
I came for Cynthia Watros. I stayed for Stacy Keach.
That marriage ended about as badly as it could possibly end.
Yes, yes they were. And that was 17 years ago!
Yeah, those groceries weren't gonna bag themselves!
I kinda liked that. At least he wasn't rude about it. It was a pretty polite "No, thanks." Some people just aren't huggers, no biggie.
Remember when comedies had structure and were like 90 minutes long? Ever since Apatow came along they all apparently need to be ad-libbed and over two hours.
They're both terrible. But 'lawful' is a stretch. I think he'll still find plenty of ways to fuck us over.
He's still mentally unstable. Have you heard some of the things he believes?!
Just…in a different way than Trump.