
I think '08s "Paranoid Park" was the last geniune wide release send off to him…

Jesus fuck…
I'm guessing a lot of concerts ended that way, that night…
Although, I would very much like to hear Gibbard cover of that song though…I really really would…

Okay. That's the saddest one line up ever missed. I feel geniunley bad for you. my friend.
Also DCFC is kind of a nice send off for Elliott…

Maybe if you write him a very nice letter…

He tours like…all the time
You'll totally have another to see him, friendo

Yeah, openers…they can hold some treasures.
Okay people: your favorite opening acts you've seen?
Mine: Cymbals eat Guitars at Los Campesinos!

Arcade Fire
I realized the complete genius of this Canadian band recently. In a wave a of crushing depression I learned they toured Chicago…a lot.
Ah well, there's still Lolla!

So…the 2012 olympics will feature, exploitation, uniteresting dialouges, and will ve vastly over rated, well…at least the music will be good.

In the Loop
Man…I would've been happier if Peter Capaldi came and reprised his role…

Stone him with arty comments on the uprise of mumblecore!

And you neva ONCE paid for drugs!

I will say this once (and probably again)
John C. Reilly (I say this with no shame) is one of my all time favorite actors. Really…he…no one can touch that man. From Paul Thomas Anderson to Adam Mckay that guy is a fucking GENIUS!

Viggos kid got splattered in blood in HOV

I find the fact I totally agree with strangely terrifying and exhilarating.

He'll be the guy dorothy visits before coming to Oz
(Who will probably become some intircate part of the prequel, or some shit…)

Relive the past
Have Bruce Campbell star!..please… dear god, I need this.

Stephin Merrit
I would say…like…80% of his stuff is written from the perspective of someone not quite all together
Top picks:
"Yeah oh Yeah"
"I Looked all Over Town"

Your subject title sounds like an awsome sit com
Nathan would come on and say something, and everyone would say "Dang Rabin!"

I have the same question, just with Danny McBride to…
I dunno, I didn't see "McGruber" even though he made it.

He still hadn't mastered it in "eXistenZ" either…and I don't think you're talking smack about Cronenberg, are ya 'friendo'.