Michiel de Groot

"Psychological thriller" is probably the closest, but it definitely has horror and comedic elements.

*pulls off fake moustache*

He's done a play based on a Joss Whedon film, I think

Next week on Mad Men:

I don't think he's manipulative. He seems a slightly screwed, but alright kid.

.. what?

"but Wilder took the character and made it his own"

I agree, it seems like a thing he doesn't really have a say about. Burton's version, like it or not, was based on the book, not on Wilder's film. I see this is discussed in depth above, so never mind that.

The Mirror World A.V. Club
It would be nice to just watch something without analyzing it all the time.

Yeah, what does it take for this show to get A's? I usually don't care that much about ratings, but the show has been stellar for the past few weeks.

Second season of Hannibal will just feature in Will's dreams starring Mads Mikkelsen as a friendly elk who sometimes lies and Ellen Muth as Georgia the glitch girl from Wreck-it-Ralph.

He even posed with Kelly C, mother of dragons!

I don't think that was weird. Everyone came off as genuinely sympathetic around that dinner table.

Yes, Bryan Fuller tweeted something to that extent as well. He's really amazingly smarmy in the role, isn't he?

No, it's appropriately filed under The Twilight Zone.

Wait, being gay excludes him from being a spy and Don's secret son? The way I see it, the best conspiracy theory is a combined one.

I had to look this up: he's married to Claire Danes? That is one amazing match.

The first psychopath you can partially defeat by using AdBlock.

Of course! I tie my shoes in Meereenese knots.

"Please donate to the Red Cross"
"How considerate."