Michiel de Groot

I was going to make a snarky comment, but I just saw Art Parkinson's twitter on which he retweeted his mom who was so proud of him. Aww.

Just one.

Like Draper and Whitman? Pretty good.

I really, really like Cutler in the show. He came in and immediately seemed like someone who had been there all along.

When Roger went "we're big, New York, ad men from an agency with seven letters in its name", I half expected Don to go "That's it! We call the agency "Mad Men"!". Roll credits.

It seemed horribly cheesy and didn't actually mean much - I had the same reaction as Stan. That said, it worked for Ginsberg, so hey.

Seriously, dude?

*audience laughs*

I, for one, welcome the new era where the GoT comment sections aren't filled with semi-spoilery wink wink nudge nudge comments about weddings.



He's just big boned!

Can't wait for more HAN ni bal


That's pretty interesting, I always thought it was Brooks as well. It really doesn't work because it makes Sisko seem like the biggest party pooper in Star Trek history, especially since holodecks aren't really known for their historical accuracy. I get the point they were making, but it just gets across as

My dislike for Enterprise was multiplied by the fact that the never aired fifth series would've had him as a main cast member, which seems like the only thing that actually could have saved that show.

Made me realize Bob Benson and Garak are basically the same character, in every possible way.

Well, it IS Christina Hendricks.